Green Guardians (Tweens)
Wayne County Public Library - Goldsboro 1001 E Ash Street, Goldsboro, NC, United StatesA hands-on environmental STEM program that challenges participants to design [...]
A hands-on environmental STEM program that challenges participants to design [...]
A new program specifically for pre-teens and teens exploring the [...]
Join us as we travel through time learning about local [...]
A new program specifically for pre-teens and teens exploring the [...]
Working with an experienced instructor in sewing and quilting. Welcoming [...]
A new programs specifically for pre-teens and teens exploring the [...]
Join us each month as we learn about some of [...]
Join us as we travel through time learning about local [...]
A new programs specifically for pre-teens and teens exploring the [...]
A hands-on environmental STEM program that challenges participants to design [...]