Meeting Rooms

Wayne County Public Library has two large rooms that are available for renting.  The Gertrude Weil Auditorium is located in the Goldsboro Library, and the J.D. Evans Community Room is located in the Steele Memorial Library in Mount Olive. 

If you just need a small study room, we have those too. 

people attending a program in the Weil Auditoium

Gertrude Weil Auditorium

people attending a baseball program in the J.D. Evans Community Room

J. D. Evans Community Room

The Gertrude Weil Auditorium and the J.D. Evans Community Room may be used free of charge by non-profit, civic, cultural, charitable and social organizations in Wayne County. They are available on an equitable basis to these groups regardless of their beliefs or affiliations. Scheduling the use of these rooms will be on a first-come, first-served basis any time during the regular hours of libraries’ operation after a written application has been received. Reservations for the rooms will not be taken earlier than 4 months in advance of the date of proposed use and no group may reserve the rooms more than 12 times in a calendar year.

Reserving the Room

What you need to know about reserving a room:

  • The capacity of the room is 120 persons.
  • All programs and meetings must be open to the public and no admission charge may be levied.
  • Non-profit groups may charge a materials fee to participants but this fee may not exceed the actual cost of the materials.
  • Use of the room for the promotion and sale of merchandise is prohibited with the exception of the sale of books by an author during a designated book signing event.
  • Library facilities shall be left in a clean and orderly condition. Groups or organizations using library facilities accept liability for any damages to the facility.
  • The Library does not provide staff for the set-up or arrangement of the room. The Library does not provide staff for the supervision of the use of the room. Any group or organization using the room shall be responsible for the handling and security of their equipment and do so at their own risk.

Please read our Meeting Room Policy (PDF) for complete guidelines for using these rooms. To make a reservation, start the process by completing this form. A staff member from the library will be in contact.