Learning Studio - Supporting children with Dyslexia and other learning differences

Free tutoring is available to rising 1st-8th graders who are behind grade level in reading and in many cases may have a diagnosed learning difference.

  • Our site is setup to assist students with a 2-1 ratio in one hour sessions.
  • This site uses a curriculum chosen in partnership with our public school system that follows the Science of Reading and structured literacy.
  • The rooms contain flexible seating and work tables that allow our participants to learn in a way that is comfortable to them.
  • A resource library with assistive items, learning games, and high interest books is available for participating families to check-out.
testimonial - "This [service] has helped my child's confidence tremendously."
  • Volunteers will be available to work with parents and assist families beyond the tutoring session.
  • A calming corner is available to help our friends who become overstimulated or anxious… or to aid those who need to brush up on their socio-emotional tools.
  • Our site includes an outdoor space featuring tools to support balance. Balance activities actually support reading proficiency and are key part of all of our skills.
  • Above all, this program is designed to encourage confidence in our participants. We all struggle with something, they may struggle with reading… but we know they have tremendous skills that may include problem solving, math, art, or more! Children will see success stories from our own community and be able to see themselves reflected in the books they can check-out.

To apply for this program, please print out this form and complete the top portion.  The referral section must be completed by a school teacher or administrator, or a clinician (psychologist, pediatrician, etc.).  For additional information, please contact the Children’s Desk (919-735-1824, ext. 5105).

“My child loved his tutor. He got the support he needed while having fun.”

“I love how the staff, coordinators, teachers were so enthusiastic and it was apparent they loved being there and loved doing what they were doing.”

“Our child enjoyed the program, came home each day explaining what they’d learned and examples.”

“Very thankful for the tutors and organizers and everyone else’s hard work!”