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Books, etc. – resources for finding eBooks, eAudiobooks, and reading suggestions!

Please note:  Wayne County Public School students can use their PowerSchool numbers  to access the library’s databases, including the first three listed here.  (Your PIN is the last 4 digits of you PowerSchool number.)

  • NC Kids Digital Library – A collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, videos, and Read-alongs for children ages pre-K through 4th grade.
  • Scholastic BookFlix – This collection contains animated stories paired with nonfiction eBooks to engage beginning readers as they cultivate early literacy skills and build their real world knowledge.
  • NoveList K-8 – Find reading suggestions for kids from Kindergarten to 7th grade.  Use the tabs for “Ages 9-12” or “Ages 0-8”.
  • 1000 Books Before Kindergarten – This reading challenge encourages parents to read every day to their children from the time that they are born with the goal of reading 1000 books before the child begins Kindergarten at the age of 5 years old.
  • Personalized Reading ListTell us your reading preferences and receive a personalized reading list from our staff.
  • Battle of the Books 2024-2025 – Use these lists for Elementary and Middle School Battle of the Books to check on the availability of print and electronic copies.
  • Launch Pads – These tablets are full of learning games, storybooks, and activities for kids and do not require WiFi or internet. Try 24 different tablets with their own games and programs, available for check out for up to three weeks.